Alan Waring
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Ever since my childhood I have been making drawings and even as a fairly young boy my fascination of animals was great. My father was a big game hunter in Kenya for 7 years, and at the age of just 9 I went with him hunting in Africa. The meeting with this amazing wildlife inspired me to make drawings of these animals.

In 1990 I was introduced to the Belgian Draft Horse – a horse-bred I am closely attached to today, and since that time studies and portraits of horses have become a continuously increasing part of my production. My work with ceramics started in 1996. The developing of my sculptures started by studies at Holbęk School of Arts and Askvad Ceramic Workshop respectively.

“…when I draw or modeller, I work with the harmony, the lines and the musculature in the animal in order to freeze a dramatic moment for instance. It is important for me to realize the sensation of life and movement…”

Alan Waring

Alan Waring - De Beeldenstorm galerie beeldentuin

Alan Waring - De Beeldenstorm galerie beeldentuin

Alan Waring - De Beeldenstorm galerie beeldentuin

Alan Waring
Beelden in keramiek

Alan Waring - De Beeldenstorm galerie beeldentuin

Alan Waring
Beelden in keramiek

Landgoed Maple Farm
De Beeldenstorm - Roosendaalsebaan 4
4744 SM Bosschenhoofd (Roosendaal) - Provincie Noordbrabant
Tel nr 0031 (0)165-340333 - email adres